Fight stress and improve your health through this new book
Released on = March 20, 2007, 4:53 am
Press Release Author = James Brunton, Health Explored Limited
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = New book \'How to Conquer Your Stress\' reveals the causes and results of stress on yourhealth, and explains how to fight it with non-drug solutions.
Press Release Body = Four out of every five doctor visits are stress related, and two thirds of people admit stress adversely affects their lives.
People struggling with the effects of stress on their lives and health, whether at work or at home, will be relieved to know that, at last, they can do something about it. One survey says that more than half the population are now more stressed than they were only five years ago. For all of these people and many more, this new book, "How to Conquer Your Stress" is a must read.
One of the worst aspects of life today is the effect of stress on health. Stress created by the pressure of work, earning a living and coping with family life, is one very important factor in many aspects of illness and disease. Statistics show that stress is involved in more than 80% of all conditions for which people go to the doctor. This book reveals the causes of stress and tells how it can make you unwell.
More importantly, this book provides a wealth of advice on getting to grips with stress. It suggests a multitude of proven ways to control stress through alternative therapies as diverse as yoga, hypnosis, aromatherapy, diet and breathing techniques. Some of these you can do yourself right away; others need some professional input and advice, and some require the appropriate therapist's expertise.
This book covers a great many ways to help you cope with stress, possibly more that you really need. At last, stressed out people can get their hands on a book that will help them deal with their stress without prescription drugs. Its aim is to help you be happy and calm and get back your loving relationship with your family and friends while coping with the pressures of work. Put a lid on anger and relax once more.
Get your copy by visiting and scroll down to "How to Conquer Your Stress". The package priced at $27 includes a bonus booklet containing over 150 tips you can use anytime to help control stress.
Reprint permission for journalists, newsletter publishers, bloggers and others: You may reprint this as long as you include the complete ordering information. E-mail me at for any further information or learn more about Health Explored at
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Contact Details = CONTACT: James Brunton, Health Explored, 86 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh, EH10 5NT, UK. Tel: 0845 121 1940 E-mail: Web site: Blog:
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